
VRChat Simple Nardoragon Underwear

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VRChat Simple Nardoragon Underwear


Basic underwear! comes with a bulge blendshape and texture files.

I would recommend using poiyomi (not included)


  1. Import the unitypackage file into your avatar project
  2. Drag in the underwear prefab in the 'NardoUnderwear' folder
  3. Scale for your Nardo
  4. Place the underwear object in the inspector under your root avatar gameobject
  5. Place the armature bones in the corresponding ones in your avatars armature
  6. Excess armature files can be deleted

Side note: if you notice your physbones are getting hitched since applying this shirt (e.g the tail when pulled it rotates at a harsh angle.), It's because the armature is getting them stuck, it's an easy fix.

  1. Go to your physbone script for the corresponding stuck part. (if it is the tail it will be 'Tail1')
  2. add the underwear armature bone to ignored transforms.

Please do not use this commercially! You cannot share this item unless the other party also owns it!

If you need any support feel free to contact me on Discord! I'm happy to help.

Discord: Huske#7757

I want this!

You'll get a basic underwear model with blendshape and texture files!

2.24 MB
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